Things definitely change once children enter your lives. Thinking back to Josh's and I's SuperBowl celebration a couple of years back- we lived in Indianapolis, the Colt's won, and boy did we celebrate. And celebrate, and celebrate and celebrate. You get the picture.
And, today as Josh and I celebrate our 6th Valentine's day together, rather than the extravagent date we used to plan, we get a home cooked dinner and dessert with none other than our two sidekicks Raygan and Luke.
But, before you go thinking that I wish it were just the two of us, stop thinking down that path. Today, is the best Valentine's day I have ever had. I love my husband an my two babies. Life is shaping out to be just the way I always imagined.
For that, I thank God- for taking me down the broken road to meet my husband and for bringing me the miracle of 2 beautiful, healthy children.
Happy Valentine's Day Josh, Raygan and Luke. I love you.
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