Rub-a-dub oh how they love the tub! As if Raygan's bath time wasn't fun enough with bubbles, Elmo soap, rubber ducks and tubmarines, we added an even more spectacular value-ad to tub time: Baby Luke! With Luke's increased reliability of being able to sit up on his own, he has graduated to bath time with BIG sis! My babies are so cute in the tub together, and even better, it's easier for us as parents. The 'ol killing two bids with one stone, and gettin 'er done so to speak!
It's times like these that explain our craziness of having these two children so close together. Watching them bond and grow closer with each of their new milestones are just the first signs of an undying brother/sister relationship that they will share. One similar to the bond I have with my brothers- one that is reliable, comfortable, irreplaceable- something that surpasses the true meaning of friendship.