Monday, November 16, 2009

Growing fast, playing hard...

My babies are growing so fast, so I wanted to take a minute to share what they are up to.

* Repeats everything (even bad words, so we MUST be very careful what we say)
* Loves to brush her teeth and it must be done several times a day
* Loves Hershey-she laughs and cuddles with him constantly and he even lets her ride him like a horse
* Favorite things to eat include Mac and cheese, apples, apple juice and dreamsicles (aka 'pop')
* Does everything mommy does- cleaning, putting on lotion, earrings, wants to play makeup- you name it ladies and she wants to do it
* Daddy has her saying GO CATS! and COACH CAL!!!
* Loves boats and screams at us if we don't turn down the road to go to Papa's boat
* Hannah just recently starting kissing Raygan, so needless to say, Raygan thinks she is queen bee now!
* Loves baby Luke and asks for him as soon as she wakes up
* Still trying to eat dog food everytime we feed Hershey and Hannah
* Becoming quite the artist- drawing is her favorite past time
* ELMO is the ultimate- she does everything with Elmo that I do with Luke (puts him in the car seat, bouncy seat, wraps him up in her blanket, puts him in the crib, in the swing)
* Talks on the phone- calls anyone we will let her
* Starting to potty train- has good and bad days, but its a start

* Is a PERFECT baby- so good and so easy going (he and Raygan are total opposites)
* Babbles and smiles all the time
* Loves his Baby Einstein activity center and bouncy seat
* Sleeps through the night
* Stands with assistance
* Loves to get his clothes changed- he laughs histerically
* Was 17lbs already at our last Dr. visit - our baby growing so fast :(
* Eating rice in his bottle as well as with a spoon to keep up with his beast of an appetite!
* Fascinated with Raygan and watches her every move

Life as a parent is exhausting, but so incredibly amazing! Raygan and Luke keep Josh and I on the move, and have added so much to our lives and strengthened our marriage. It is awesome to watch them develop into their own little people.

I thank God everyday for the wonderful blessings of my husband and children.

Stay tuned for pictures from our beach vacation with the Williams.

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