Sunday, May 16, 2010

Luke's first haircut, Mother's Day and just a day in the life...

Busy, Busy. The past couple weeks have been filled with excitement, exhaustion and a lot of the norm. Luke and Raygan are growing so fast I find myself looking around wondering where on earth the time is going. My babies are becoming bigger babies and gosh, they change so much each day.
Luke got his first haircut today and was a champ. Raygan on the other hand was her 2 yr old self and didn't enjoy the experience so much.
For Mother's day I got what Raygan calls our 'fast stroller'; now the kids can join Mommy when I go running!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Luke on the move....

After a lot of trial and error, and rocking on all four's, Luke finally did it!!!
Our little Bubba is crawling and boy is he getting fast.
We now have our very own little Curious George. No longer a little baby that just sits, Luke is now trying to open cabinets, play with door stoppers and vents. So, Luke's exploration of his house finally begins, and well, Mommy and Daddy have their hands full!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Derby Festival Fun.....

Lots of fun, great company and good food! We are livin' it up; Derby Ball,the balloon glimmer, Thunder, the mini-marathan, Wine Fest... you name it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

One more check off the 'bucket list'....

Saturday was a big day for me. I finished the mini-marathon; a goal of mine I have always had. All the training and time committed finally paid off. When I crossed the finish line to see my husband and two beautiful children, I have to say that was one of the most rewarding 30 seconds of my life.

Thanks to Josh for supporting me, and allowing me the time to train. His pride in me on Saturday made my accomplishment all the more special.

Woo Hoo! I DID IT. Oh, and I finished in under 2 hours! 1:59:06 to be exact. Its amazing the things you can do when you put your mind to it....

Monday, April 12, 2010

A little bit of sand, a little bit of Uno

Destin was awesome. Perfect weather, perfect company and perfect memories. I am just excited to share some of the many awesome pictures.

Raygan and Luke are already taking after their Papa and cousin Hayden- learning the rules of the game Uno. Luke was up and ready to rock and roll past his bed time just to show off his card skills at 9 months of age!

Luke's first Easter; Raygan's 3rd

A little Easter egg hunting, candy eating and first's for both babies. Luke's first Easter; first visit from the Easter bunny, first Easter Mass and first Easter egg hunt!
Raygan's first, well, Barbie. She loved her Barbie so much that she felt it necessary to talk about her 'boobies' out loud during mass. Nice....

I am not sure who was cuter- Luke in his little suit or Raygan in her gorgeous dress.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My new digs...

With a little sweet talking I was able to get the camera I wanted...
It is big, bad and well I have not a clue how to use it and what it's capacity is at this point. But, I do know I will get some good family photos and continue all of the special memories we are making.

I was able to at least figure out how to snap a couple shots to share. Now I just need to find some time to read the instruction manual.

Honey, I promise I will figure this thing out an use every penny worth that was spent:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Who's this furry red creature that you speak of?

You know.... the one with the orange nose, that high pitched, squeaky voice that all parents just cannot get enough of; the one, the only Elmo!
Raygan: Melmo! Melmo!
Luke: No comment. Just a blank stare will do.
Raygan: I turn Melmo on.
Elmo: Can you help Elmo up please?
Luke: eek! Blah, blah blah.
Elmo: Do you know how to get to Sesame Street?
Luke: I don't have a clue what this weird dude is saying but he's kinda funny. But, for the mean time, I'll just try to eat him.
Raygan: Mama, Mama, Mama.
Me: Yes Raygan.
Raygan: Luke eat Melmo. Luke has teeeeeeeeeeeth.
Elmo: I think Elmo may just lay around for awhile.

Although I have heard enough of Elmo's voice to make me half insane, I do thank him fo the entertainment he provides my children. I can't believe I am saying this, but, thank you Elmo.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hibernation at it's best..

With a lot of snow, brings a lot of time in the house with the kids. So, what can a mom do to keep them occupied while trying to work from home? Well... craft time always seems to work, at least for about an hour or so. But today we got creative... Mommy drove across the street with Raygan and let her pick out her own crafts for the day. And, what did we come up with? Well, the usual crayons, paper and Dora market kit; AND a packet of 12,000 stickers. At the time the stickers didn't seem like that bad of an idea, but now they are on the carpet, on my face, Luke's face, the dog's back, and even ended up in my bottle of water at one point. Oh what fun!

Although there has been some clean up an reorganization involved, both Raygan and Luke have been very good today and played so well together!

Luke watched Raygan, ate, slept, watched Raygan some more, ate, and slept again.

And, all the while, Mommy managed to get some work done too!

Is it bed time yet ?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Just a little mommy baby bonding...

Things definitely change once children enter your lives. Thinking back to Josh's and I's SuperBowl celebration a couple of years back- we lived in Indianapolis, the Colt's won, and boy did we celebrate. And celebrate, and celebrate and celebrate. You get the picture.
And, today as Josh and I celebrate our 6th Valentine's day together, rather than the extravagent date we used to plan, we get a home cooked dinner and dessert with none other than our two sidekicks Raygan and Luke.
But, before you go thinking that I wish it were just the two of us, stop thinking down that path. Today, is the best Valentine's day I have ever had. I love my husband an my two babies. Life is shaping out to be just the way I always imagined.
For that, I thank God- for taking me down the broken road to meet my husband and for bringing me the miracle of 2 beautiful, healthy children.

Happy Valentine's Day Josh, Raygan and Luke. I love you.